Peggy Bangham '73

"My 4 years at Longwood were busy and exciting. I enjoyed my classes, met new friends, joined in on extra-curricular activities and sports, and grew into a more independent young woman, ready to head out into the world as an elementary school teacher.
Now that I'm retired after 40+ years as a teacher, I can truthfully say I owe much of my success to my experiences at Longwood. I had learned so much there, and I was able to add onto my basic educational resources as a kindergarten teacher, then going on to adventures and experiences around the US and the world.
As I settle into retirement, I have time to reflect on my life and how I want to be remembered. It occurred to me that leaving something to the organizations that had most influenced my life would be the best way to assure that others would be able to have some of the opportunities I had. Naturally, I thought of Longwood, where my life as a teacher began. Upon chatting with others, I decided to leave a portion of my retirement savings to Longwood, specifically for the Study Abroad program. Having lived around the world, I know what an exciting and educational experience travel can be. By leaving money to that purpose after my death, others will benefit and will be able to broaden their world-views. That makes me very happy."